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CityBLD is a complete city creation toolkit for Unreal Engine 5. In combination with a few handcrafted details, CityBLD will be able to generate everything you need to get a game-ready city up and running.

Realize Your Vision

Perfect for indie studios and solo developers, CityBLD is designed for speed, streamlining the process of building intricate, large-scale environments and empowering you to create the incredible virtual worlds you've envisioned.

With CityBLD, you can focus on realizing your vision, not on the clock or the budget.

This scene was created using a pre-alpha version of CityBLD.

Built for Scale

The CityBLD toolset is built from the ground up for working at scale.

CityBLD includes a suite of optimization tools that allows you to fully convert the generated content to lightweight InstancedStaticMesh Actors. Not only does this minimize resource usage and keep your level performant at large scales, it also makes the scene extremely portable by fully integrating it with Unreal's base classes and removing the need to have the CityBLD plugin installed at all.

This scene was created using CityBLD Beta 0.1.

Absolute Flexibility

CityBLD's completely modular approach to generating environments allows you tons of flexibility in what you choose to create.

Most modular 3D asset packs, such Megascans, work out-of-the-box with CityBLD, but generating cities using custom-made modular pieces requires little prep work either!

CityBLD's building generation is so customizable that all the buildings needed for a city can be generated with as little as 15-20 meshes!

This scene was created using a pre-alpha version of CityBLD.

A Complete package

From concept to final polish, CityBLD has a tool for every step of the process.

Design the layout of your city with CityBLD's road editor, the fastest road creation tool for Unreal. CityBLD's non-destructive workflow allows rapid iteration to find the perfect layout.

Once you've achieved your visual goals, take advantage of CityBLD's suite of optimization tools that integrate with Unreal's various methods of optimization, including instanced meshes, world partition, HLODs, and more.

This scene was created using a pre-alpha version of CityBLD.